The Developing Role of HR in the New World of Work
Human Resources (HR) has become more vital than ever in moving businesses forward as they come to terms with operating under pandemic conditions. As the hub for all departments in an organisation, it’s no wonder that companies heavily rely on HR – especially during this pandemic – to ensure the welfare of the employees and the continuing growth of personnel. ASW Consulting, a workforce management consultancy firm, provides five insights on HR’s continuously evolving role in helping companies adapt to the New Normal work conditions.
Adapting technology for talent acquisition
HR has taken progressive measures in recruitment processes without compromising on the quality of the talents. According to Ryan Healy, president and co-founder of Brazen – a chat-based event platform – virtual recruitment was instrumental in streamlining this process for organisations. It has helped widened the talent pool, improved the search for better candidates, and advance diversity in the workplace.
Given the success of virtual recruitment, he notes that ‘employers will continue to use virtual recruiting alongside more-traditional in-person recruiting and interviewing once it’s safe to meet with candidates face to face again.’ HR continues to find ways to secure the best talents – a crucial factor in driving growth for companies in these challenging times.
More dedicated in addressing wellbeing concerns
Mental health issues have spiked among working adults globally due to uncertainties caused by the pandemic. Based on recent studies, 56% of employees felt more anxious about job security and 55% experienced stress from work routine and company changes. The study also revealed that 49% of employees felt isolated due to the work from home situation and 50% were having difficulty maintaining work-life balance.
Recognising these alarming trends, HR has stepped up their efforts in supporting and implementing initiatives to help employers and employees deal with the mental strain and improve their overall wellbeing. HR can expand employee assistance programs to include mental health concerns and promote employee welfare measures within core business strategies to support and protect the employee’s wellbeing.
Provide skills and support for managers
Employees look to their managers when there’s a crisis. Dealing with pandemic-related concerns on top of their core leadership functions has put a lot of pressure on managers to keep themselves and their team members motivated to perform their tasks and achieve business goals.
Amy Leschke-Kahle, vice president of performance acceleration at The Marcus Buckingham Company, noted, ‘As stewards of the organization’s talent, HR has a responsibility to create the practices that maintain focus, create connectivity and ensure continuity between the most critical partnership in the world of work: that between the team leader and the team member.’
HR can provide managers the necessary training for developing enhanced skills to help them adapt in this unpredictable working environment. More importantly, HR should also offer support programs that provide a safe space for managers to sort out their own feelings of stress, anxiety, and frustration over their burden of responsibility compounded further by the pandemic.
Encourage employee engagement
While switching to remote work has its advantages, it has also made employees feel disconnected with one another and to the company. Even with the proper digital tools for communication, the level of engagement and camaraderie among employees is still far more meaningful in face-to-face interactions.
HR can lead the way to reaffirm everyone’s commitment to the company’s values. This rebuilds trust and provides reassurance to the employees. Opening more lines of communication to fill in the gaps of social distancing, setting up activities where the staff can socialise online, being transparent to employees, acknowledging their efforts, and recognising their value to the organisation are also some of the steps being taken by HR teams to encourage engagement during this pandemic period.
Allowing flexibility in compensation and benefits
Employees are naturally concerned about how the pandemic can financially affect them. HR practitioners should exercise empathy in addressing these matters. As the administrator of compensation and benefits, HR must be flexible in their processes especially in critical situations.
They can ensure various forms of support to those who will lose their jobs due to cost-cutting measures, assist in the immediate release of emergency benefits, and provide avenues to help employees recover financially and maintain stability.
Expert recruitment agency in Vietnam
ASW Consulting are attuned to the seismic shifts that the pandemic has created within companies. We specialise in workforce management in Vietnam to recruit the best talents from the Southeast Asian region. We ensure that only the most qualified candidates will perfectly fit the required roles in support of your company’s business growth, especially during this pandemic. To know more about our services, call us on +84 28 7309 7991 or contact us here so we can assist you.