How Wellness Programmes Can Benefit Employees, ASW Consulting

How Wellness Programmes Can Benefit Employees

Employee wellness has become a critical focus in the conversation about physical and mental wellbeing, especially during this pandemic. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the cost of lost productivity due to depression and anxiety is around US$1 trillion annually. They also noted that “a negative working environment may lead to physical and mental health problems, harmful use of substances or alcohol, absenteeism and lost productivity.

It is recommended that companies should be made aware of the conditions in the workplace — whether on-site or work from home. Organisations should provide the appropriate support for their employees’ wellbeing and inform them of the resources available through a comprehensive wellness programme which can include the following measures:

  • Health screenings such as annual physical exams
  • Vaccination and immunization initiatives
  • Nutrition and weight loss management
  • Exercise and fitness programmes
  • Mental health support such as webinars for counselling or even meditation classes
  • Resources about facilities for dealing with addiction (drug abuse, alcoholism, smoking)

A variety of studies has proven that a wellness programme can do wonders for the employees’ health and engagement, for overall morale, and, ultimately, for the organisation’s bottom line.

1. Boost in productivity & profitability

Over nine out of ten employees feel motivated to perform their tasks when their managers support their efforts to help improve their workplace wellbeing. In fact, 70–80% of US companies have reported an increase in productivity and reduced absenteeism with the help of wellness programmes. As employees became more engaged in their work, customer satisfaction was reported to rise by 10% and even a 22% increase in profitability.

2. Employee retention and employer satisfaction

In another study, 54% of employees have noted an improvement in morale due to the availability of wellness programmes. And 70% of employees who have signed up for these programmes expressed satisfaction in their job versus those who didn’t enrol.

Having a wellness programme also provides a positive impression on the organisation. Employees would highly recommend a company that provides health and wellness initiatives. Around 87% of those surveyed also consider this as a crucial factor in selecting an employer.

3. Significant savings

Research has shown that there has been a 26% decrease in health costs for companies that invest in wellness programmes. For every dollar spent, they have actually saved $3.27 as a result. Employee compensation and disability management claims have even gone down by as much as 30%.

For employees, around 62% have mentioned that their healthcare expenses have been reduced, thanks to their company’s wellness programmes.

How Wellness Programmes Can Benefit Employees, ASW Consulting

4. Healthier lifestyle

The goal of a wellness programme in the work culture is to help maintain the overall health and wellbeing of employees. This has proven to be true with 61% of participants saying that they’re now making healthier choices, 56% have had fewer sick days, and an overall reduction of 28% in taking sick leaves.

The success of a wellness programme also depends on how the company cascades it to the employees. It is recommended that organisations form a well-rounded strategy to implement the programme and to communicate clearly the benefits to the employees so they can adapt it to their lifestyle.

5. Establishing stronger bonds

Employees can also find support from their colleagues by participating in wellness programmes. The subject of mental and health issues is a sensitive matter and some employees may find it difficult to share their experiences. Taking part in a wellness programme can provide a safe space for employees to open up their concerns with fellow colleagues who are going through the same situation. This will also encourage them to help one another in their time of need.

Industry leaders in talent sourcing consultancy in Vietnam

At ASW Consulting,  we recognise that instituting and maintaining a workplace wellness programme is undeniably beneficial to employees and to the employer. As experts in providing talent management solutions and c-suite recruitment in Ho Chi Minh City, we also offer additional tips on how to maintain the health and mental wellbeing of workers and managers. Give us a call on +84 28 7309 7991 or book a consultation here if you wish to avail of our talent acquisition services.