Top 3 Engagement Elements at Work for Employees, ASW Consulting

Top 3 Engagement Elements at Work for Employees

Engaging employees is more than gimmicks and fun office activities that break the monotony of work. In fact, employee engagement is a strategy and a set of activities in continual execution everyday. As a talent sourcing consultancy in Vietnam, we’re concerned about how our hires are engaged and retained in their jobs. To learn more about the fundamentals of engaging your employees, here are three engagement factors for employees, according to Gallup.

Accountability, and knowing what to do without always waiting for direction

Clarity in job descriptions and work expectations is fundamental in engaging and retaining employees. This allows them to get a 360-degree view of their work, and have a better sense of the what and why of their job. When they see that the work that they do aligns with expectations, they are more focused on their tasks and can be more accountable.

But this isn’t a matter of managers simply telling their subordinates what to do. It’s demonstrating what good performance is, what success looks like, not only for them but for the whole team and the larger company.

Having the right tools to perform work successfully

Recruitment agencies in Vietnam know that one big stressor for employees is being asked to do work that they can’t accomplish without the proper tools. This is a physically and mentally frustrating problem for many employees as they’re given seemingly impossible tasks to solve. And if they don’t have the support that they need, they tend to feel less engaged in their role.

Beyond the physical equipment and software, an employee needs to do their job. This is more of a concern about empowering employees with information, and access to resources that will allow them to perform successfully. Good leaders listen to what their team members need and make sure to address those needs when possible. An engaged employee is someone who never has to worry about support.

Opportunity to perform to a high standard and do great work

Engaged employees are people who are able to use their strengths at work everyday. For example, a creative director is someone adept at strategizing, and whose strengths may lean more towards managing both clients and creative staff rather than doing the grunt work. If they’re constantly asked to do work that is no longer within their realm of strengths and responsibilities, they are most likely to feel disengaged and demotivated about their work.

Give your employees the freedom to exhibit their best talents and traits, as the more they get to do this, the more motivated and connected they are with their job. They feel confident that they can demonstrate what they are excellent at and that they can contribute to the company in more impactful ways.

Talent sourcing consultancy in Vietnam

ASW Consulting is a recruitment agency in Ho Chi Minh committed to ensuring that our candidates are completely engaged in the companies they are hired for. We are also committed to helping companies make sure that they are doing everything they can to retain and provide maximum value to their critical human assets. To know more about how you can engage your employee, read more of our blog, or email for a confidential discussion.