10 Things You Can Do to Advance Your Career

10 Things You Can Do to Advance Your Career

According to a recent survey, 41% of employees believe that having career advancement opportunities in their organisation is a significant factor in job satisfaction. But 74% feel that they are unable to reach their full potential at work for lack of these opportunities. Based on another report, 94% of workers would remain longer in a company if it offered career development programmes.

Career advancement plays an important role in the employee’s engagement with the company. This will also depend on what you want to achieve. Perhaps you’re after a higher pay grade to go with a higher position. Or you feel stuck in your current job and you want to explore new opportunities for work. Or you want to expand your skillset to take on more responsibilities.

If you feel it’s time to level up, here are ten tips to guide you on your path to career advancement.

1. Define your success

What is a successful career to you? We all have different viewpoints on how we measure success at work. There is no right or wrong answer to this. It all boils down to how satisfied you are at work when you’ve met your goals. If you feel you can do more, then re-assess what success means to you. This will serve as your cornerstone to your career growth.

2. Establish your goals

What do you want to accomplish during your tenure? Think about what you’ve achieved so far and set goals on what you want to do next. Remember, when doing so, you also have to consider how your goals will benefit the organisation as well. Follow the SMART technique to help you with your goal-setting: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-based.

3. Assess your skills

This includes both your hard skills (knowledge and technical skills) as well as your soft skills (e.g., communication, adaptability, problem-solving). Find out what are the skills needed in the succeeding level. Are they aligned to what you have now? Do you need to enhance your current skillset? This is where you’ll determine whether you’ll need to enhance your skills or add to them to prepare you for the next step in your career.

4. Be open to feedback

Whether it’s from your HR’s quarterly/yearly evaluations, from your manager, or from your colleagues, be ready to receive feedback on your work performance. You can have a meeting with your boss, discuss points to consider based on your evaluation, and commit to what you should work on that will help boost your career growth.

5. Learn new skills

By now, you’ve already discovered what you need to learn to fulfil the job requirements in your future career path. If your company offers leadership development or soft skill courses, take advantage of them. If the company doesn’t provide the training that you’re looking for, explore other avenues to broaden your skills. For example, you can check legitimate online resources (e.g., LinkedIn certified courses) that offer the kind of training you need to expand your skillset.

10 Things You Can Do to Advance Your Career

6. Get noticed for your accomplishments

If you’ve made excellent progress at work and there’s an opportunity in the company for a promotion, let them know you’re interested. There’s nothing wrong in letting management know about your achievements, especially if it reflects that you can handle senior-level responsibilities. Don’t assume that your manager will know automatically what you need to advance your career. Have a discussion with your boss that you’re ready to step up. Your own track record will help you do the talking.

7. Develop your presence

Moving up in your career also means you need to work on your image. While your achievements can speak for itself, you also need to work on your confidence. Present yourself as an expert in the field and back it up with your credentials and the results of your work. It doesn’t hurt to dress for the part either, especially if you’re aiming for a more senior position. If you need to make changes in your profile on social media sites to look more professional, that can help as well.

8. Nurture your network

Build relationships along the way and don’t burn bridges from your previous employers. Every job you’ve taken and the colleagues you’ve worked with have helped build your core competencies and enhanced your capabilities to be where you are now. As your career grows, you might find yourself working with them again in a different capacity.

This also includes your online connections in networking sites. Share relevant and insightful posts related to your line of work. Post your achievements about recent projects, if the company will allow it, and commend others for their work. This will keep you within their radar for future collaborations and even help you get noticed by recruiters who might be looking for qualified candidates to fill up managerial posts.

9. Acknowledge those who’ve helped you

Whether it’s your mentor, your boss, your colleagues, or a new connection to a potential employer, take time to mention your appreciation for helping you out in your career. Letting them know will mean a lot to them and they’ll keep you in mind to continue their support for your progress. If the time comes when they need help, don’t hesitate to return the favour, especially if you’re in a position to provide resources for assistance.

10. Hold yourself accountable

In your quest to get ahead, you might be pressuring yourself at work to do your best to avoid any error. But let’s face it, there will be times when it just happens, especially if it’s beyond our control. Accept the fact that you can only do so much. Admit your mistake and find solutions to fix it or minimise its negative impact. Acknowledging your fault and making an effort to repair the damage will help restore confidence in your abilities and your reputation.

The experts in talent and staffing services in Vietnam

Among the recruitment agencies in Vietnam, The Talent Consultants is an industry leader in sourcing highly skilled professionals from across Southeast Asia. As a premium talent acquisition consultant in Ho Chi Minh City, we provide expert support and c-suite recruitment services for a wide variety of businesses.

Feel free to avail of our resources on our website to help boost your career growth. Read our previous blogs on upskilling and how to prepare yourself for a career change. If you’re looking for new career opportunities, have a look at our available job vacancies.

Give us a call on +84 28 7309 7991 or book a free consultation here if you would like to work with us on finding the right talent to support your business.